Your Virtual Research Resource Hub
Community-identified and vetted resources to support your community-engaged research projects.
Created with the support of:

About the Project
When COVID-19 hit New York City, it magnified pre-existing health disparities and led to disproportionate burden of COVID-19 illness and death, with lasting implications. It also made abundantly clear that there is a lot left unknown about how the pandemic will impact diverse communities.
As researchers, public health professionals, community advocates, and community members, we saw a need for more community-based participatory research (CBPR) that would amplify the voices and perspectives of those being impacted the most. CBPR emphasizes engaging diverse sets of stakeholders as key partners in the research process, while bringing a lens to the research process that is both equitable and oriented towards action.
Through an engagement grant from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s Institute for Health Equity Research mobilized a taskforce aimed at supporting more CBPR projects on topics that matter to local communities. As a part of this project, we are launching this digital research concierge service.
Here, you can find resources to support your CBPR projects that have been community-identified and vetted. You can also share your suggestions: a resource you love, a research idea you’d like to explore more, or ways this site could be more helpful.
Taskforce Organizations
We’d like to thank the following organizations for their support, guidance and resources in this project:
African Services Committee
Arthur Ashe Institute
City Council / North Brooklyn – District 33
God’s Love We Deliver
Hester Street
Hetrick Martin Institute
Institute for Family Health
Montefiore Medical Center
New York Common Pantry
RiseBoro Community Partnership
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center
Union Settlement
The below resources have been community-identified and vetted. We will add more resources on an on-going basis as we, our partners, or you suggest them, so please check-in for updates. Please note that we are not endorsing any services provided by organizations associated with resources, and are simply sharing educational content we hope will be useful.
7 Tips for Writing an Effective Grant Proposal - NEEF USA
A quick and clear guide that outlines some key fundamentals for drafting a successful proposal.
A Model for Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Address the Diabetes Epidemic in East Harlem - Horowitz, Carol R et al.
In this article, Horowitz and her team describe how a community-based and centered coalition oriented in CBPR practices was able to build a conceptual model with the potential for reducing health disparities in a local community.
A Short Guide to Community Based Participatory Action Research - A Community Research Lab Guide
New to CBPAR? This toolkit serves as a guide and workbook for you as you explore how to bring your project to life. In here you’ll find: an introduction to CBPAR, prompts for you to consider, and resources.
Budget Justification Best Practices
The article presents a general template in developing a budget justification with the main categories with explanations followed by sample entries. (Note: Specific funding agency guidelines may list different criteria or categories allowable in a budget).
CBPR - A YouTube Video by Chris Flipp
In just under ten-minutes, this animated narration walks you through what CBPR is, why it’s important, and the benefits and considerations you need to make for each stage of the CBPR process.
Commercial District Needs Assessment
The webpage presents an example of a needs assessment which identified the needs and opportunities for local neighborhood revitalization in NYC.
Community Needs Assessment Questionnaire - a model
This general needs assessment questionnaire may help you identify potential survey questions or topics you want to include in your own needs assessments.
Community-based Participatory Research: An Approach to Intervention Research with a Native American Community - Holkup, Patricia A et al.
In this journal manuscript, researchers walk the reader through the history of CBPR while also documenting their key takeaways and considerations from using the approach with a Native American community.
Data Collection Strategies-RHIhub
This page provides readers a comprehensive overview of the different methods in data collection of both qualitative and quantitative research with additional resources for further exploration.
Developing and Sustaining Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships: A Skills-building Curriculum - University of Washington Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
This evidence-based curriculum takes learners through foundational knowledge about CBPR, developing and sustaining partnerships, getting the funded need to support your project, and disseminating your results.
Dissemination as Dialogue: Building Trust and Sharing Research Findings Through Community Engagement
This article gets into the fundamentals of involving community members in the process of results dissemination by highlighting the different stages and the importance of trust building between community partners and other stakeholders engaged in the project.
Establishing New CBPR Partnerships using the CBPR Charrette Model: Lessons from the CHAMPS Study
This article describe how the Cancer Health Accountability for Managing Pain and Symptoms (CHAMPS) study leveraged the CBPR charrette process to develop and strengthen its CBPR partnership and implement research objectives.
Evaluation Steps
This guide breaks down the evaluation process into 6 steps and provides a checklist at each point to ensure that all applicable parts are included and considered.
Exploring Program Logic - NSW Health
An introduction to logic models, this short video shows you what a logic model is and how it can be useful when developing programs, engaging with stakeholders, and considering your evaluation outcomes.
Grant writing tips and resources - Hostos Community College
This website provides grant writing guides and resources for National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and nonprofits.
How Focus Groups Can Help Your Research: Qualitative Research Methods
This short and quick video explains the use and structuring of focus groups in qualitative research and.
This guide is a combination of an article and a video discuss the key areas of making focus groups a success by proper planning in determining group sizing, screening, planning, moderating, location, schedule, and goodwill.
How to Prepare a Grant Proposal Budget for a Nonprofit
Trying to develop a grant proposal budget for a CBO or small business? This article gives you an overview on some key tips, considerations, and components. Remember that budget costs must be both “reasonable” and “allowable and allocable.”
How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal - The Balance Small Business
Wondering what components make up a grant proposal? This article provides a quick outline that lets you know what you can usually expect. Note: always defer to the request for proposal and any guiding documents that the funder provides as some funders don’t always follow this formula.
How to Write an Effective Grant Proposal: A Nonprofit’s Guide - Donorbox
This article gives you a quick look at all of the basics: from outlining some different types of grants you should consider and busting some myths, to providing some pro-tips for a strong grant proposal and sharing some examples, this article will help you get the confidence you need to get started.